Bacon jam and other recipes from Sea Salt

Bacon jam and other recipes from Sea Salt

Bacon jam. Upon hearing of its existence, every meat-eating man or woman begins a subconscious journey to taste it. You may not realize that you’ve been searching for it, but trust me, you have. Similar to the Austrian bacon and garlic spread Verhackert, bacon jam was...
Low salmon returns make for hormonal bears

Low salmon returns make for hormonal bears

A recent study has uncovered that coastal grizzly bears are more prone to hostile behaviour when salmon numbers are low. The study, conducted by the University of Victoria, the University of Calgary, and the Raincoast Conservation Foundation, traced stress hormones in...
CRTC clears up cellphone contract confusion

CRTC clears up cellphone contract confusion

Fucking phone companies, right? If ever there were a group of companies with a firmer grasp on the wallets of this fine country, I haven’t heard of them (besides maybe “Big Oil,” or “Big Tobacco,” but that’s another can of worms for another rant).  Phone companies...