Happy hour heaven

Happy hour heaven

Fifteen hours of discount drinks to get you through finals In the midst of finals, it’s not uncommon for students’ spirits — and bank accounts — to hit an all-time low. Luckily, there are plenty of places around Victoria to revitalize the soul with wine, beer, and all...
Happy hour heaven

Harrison Brome’s Vancouver R&B blues

Musician’s emotional music on full display in new EP Harrison Brome is a different type of musician emerging from Vancouver, B.C. He was born with a learning disability and was homeschooled as a teenager, but he doesn’t let his past restrict his future goals. Instead,...
Happy hour heaven

Not an ordinary superhero movie

Black Panther review For a long time, comics were dominated by characters that had two defining traits. They were white and from some big American city. Then along came King T’challa, the Black Panther. Everything changed; he was a black hero from a hidden city in...