Public art in Victoria

Public art in Victoria

For years the channel that starts at Bastion Square, runs through Helmcken Alley, and opens onto Fort Street has been a battleground between graffiti writers and paint rollers.  Last year, the City of Victoria sent Open Space a ticket for failing to remove the...
Public art in Victoria

Saving Rivers

My mother grew up on an island known for jungles, giant flowers, and orangutans. After getting a degree in ecology, she worked in fisheries research on the second largest river in the Malaysian state of Sarawak, on Borneo. For seven years she and her crew travelled up...
You know you’re a first year when

You know you’re a first year when

Well, class has just begun, you’ve settled into residence and you’re thinking that this is how your first year will play out. You’re wrong. You’ve only had a taste, but no fear! I’ve compiled a checklist of sorts so you can see if you’ve had the full first-year...