Sandwiched by choice

March, 2012 A vast stainless steel counter, stretching long enough to hold countless three-course meals, bears the weight of 600 white plates, all engraved with a delicate blue design. A few of them already hold food. Petite tea sandwiches: cucumber and cream cheese,...

Will we cure HIV in our lifetime?

Our bodies can do many amazing things. They can heal our cuts and fight off diseases. They can bear the fallout of our actions, to an extent. Our bodies have many limitations, too. There are some things that have so far evaded both the resilience of our bodies and...

The NDP’s Michelle Mungall on education

On Aug. 29, the NDP’s Michelle Mungall, who is the Opposition Critic for Advanced Education, Youth and Labour Market Development and the Chair of the Women’s Caucus, visited UVic to meet student representatives. She also stopped by the Martlet offices for...

Three Questions – Tim Teh (KANO/APPS)

The Martlet took a warp-pipe to visit indie game developers KANO/APPS this week. We gained some experience points in our social and mobile gaming knowledge. KANO/APPS Play locally developed games at KANO/APPS is also hiring: More information...