
UVSS talks annual report, divestment at Semi-Annual General Meeting

On Feb. 6, students met for the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) in the Vertigo lounge of the Student Union Building (SUB). To clarify (or…

Everything you never wanted to know (but probably should) about the UVSS

The multi-million-dollar question: Why should anyone care about student politics? With University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) elections right around the corner, you might be wondering what the point is…

UVic in photos: The Blizzard of 2019

On Friday, Feb. 8, Victoria saw a very unfamiliar sight: snow. The white, fluffy stuff that Canada is famous for blew all the way over to the West Coast for…

VIPIRG to kick off narrative-based sexualized violence research

Members of the Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group (VIPIRG) are undertaking a new approach to tackling issues of sexualized violence on campus — one that will feature the anonymously…

UVSS to donate $1 000 to Unist’ot’en Camp legal defense fund

Your Jan. 21 UVSS board meeting recap On Monday, Jan. 21, the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) Board of Directors met for the third Monday in a row to…

UVSS board puts funding of non-profit research group VIPIRG to a referendum

Board and audience members engaged in an impassioned debate during an almost five-hour meeting On Monday, Jan. 14, the Upper Lounge of the Student Union Building (SUB) filled with over…

Full schedule: affordable events to start off the new year

Back to school means back to work — but it also mean a whole host of events for students and the greater community of Victoria. Here’s a list of some free…

Discontinuation of VIPIRG funding to be called to a referendum if motion passes on Monday

If the motion passes at Monday’s UVSS board meeting, VIPIRG’s student levy will be put to a referendum in February’s UVSS election On Monday, Jan. 7, the University of Victoria…

UVSS talks Starbucks, territorial acknowledgments at latest board meeting

Jan. 7 saw the first UVSS Board of Directors meeting of the year, with the Upper Lounge of the Student Union Building more full than usual. Indeed, along with the…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2