2020 UVSS elections

UVSS Resignations

UVSS year in review: advocacy wins, five resignations, and only two contested seats in upcoming election

Amidst the pandemic and personal difficulties, student participation at the highest level of student governance — the UVSS Board of Directors — is at an all-time low. The 2020-21 board…

UVSS ELECTIONS | Open educational resources referendum

A referendum question on the ballot in this year’s UVSS elections will ask students if they are willing to establish a fee levy to support the creation of open-source textbooks.…


Tuqa Al-Mosawi wants to increase the student fee levy for the World University Service of Canada Student Refugee Program that brought her to Canada. The program sponsors refugees who cannot…

Exclusive: UVSS slates leaked ahead of 2020 election

As with any good election cycle, though the 2019 student elections are over, our coverage of the 2020 UVSS elections has only just begun. Below are the names and platforms…

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University of Victoria
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Victoria, B.C.
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