
McPherson Library needs ping pong: It’ll make us all smarter (I promise)

Library yet, or its closely situated ping-pong table, you are missing out. Nothing helps ease the pain of cramming like whooping your buddy’s ass at a game of ping pong,…

The star bound chronicle: redux

Some games thrive on their writing and provide a compelling story for their audience, but I don’t always want to be an audience member: I want to be in the…

Will to game: Starbound

Entry 01: The journey beings

I tried the Flappy Bird replacements so you don’t have to

I usually do my best to avoid viral game trends. I haven’t grown a Farmville; I’ve never drawn something with friends; and I’ve never played Candy Crush Saga, because I’ve…

Will to game: Check yourself, before you wreck your game shelf

Demos are always a welcome, crucial step in researching a purchase. They can also be fun games in themselves, whether you’re a fan hungry for a taste of an upcoming…

Will to game: Multi-touch

Playing games is a great way to share experiences with your partner, possibly while gaining experience points. Video games in particular can be an important part of any relationship; they…

Bored? Games!

With today’s limitless choices in entertainment, from PC to console to mobile, we can easily get caught up in our digital experiences, lost in menus and virtual lobbies, sending invites…

Will to game: Card games for a crowd

Party season is here, and that means throngs of people standing awkwardly around a bowl of punch, or trying to keep their drink steady as they wiggle to Katy Perry…

The will to game: Jumping in

Beta-culture has become an integral element of a large number of software products. From new combined services like Google+ and Minecraft, developers are releasing early, usually to test the waters…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2