
MRT: Episode 4 – Flicks and Votes

If you have ever been curious how Oscar voting works or whether or not slates are a good idea for university elections but have never been able to seamlessly transition…

Your pushy neighbourhood Spider-Man!

Why the web-slinger’s return to Marvel Studios may not be all it’s cracked up to be

The developing existentialist

My life is a struggle between wanting to go out and have fun with people, and avoiding human interaction at all costs. It’s an internal joust between my inner Miley…

Why we still need to talk about the glass ceiling

Women represent almost half of the labour force; however, most of them still earn far lower salaries on average than men and are less likely to work in leadership positions.

What people do if they’re “not dating”

Dates don’t usually come until after you’re a bona fide couple, but who knows what that looks like anymore? Are you two a ‘thing’? Are you seeing each other? Are…

Throwing labels out the window

The first time I found myself attracted to a woman I was about 13 years old, watching Step Up in a local movie theatre. Partway through the sweaty hip-hop scenes…

Editorial: Securing the Internet once and for all

Where would our culture be without the Internet? For most, it’s an essential service, so why not treat it as such? With our data being passed around without transparency, why…

The Lens: Je suis Charlie

Letter from the editor

If you have stories of romance, of heartbreak, of loss, or of intrigue to those with Valentine’s on their minds, email volunteer@martlet.ca with your pitches.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2